Lifestyle: What means ‚being in shape‘

Lifestyle: What means ‚being in shape‘

What does 'being in shape' mean to me? By definition, being in shape is to be in good, robust health and condition, to be strong or fit. So, being in shape seems to be a wide topic and it’s definitely more than just an easy answer. And being in shape is nothing you can directly see or assess just by looks. 

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Lifestyle: (Re)Launch of my blog

Lifestyle: (Re)Launch of my blog

I started this blog a few years ago as a creative outlet. I always had a weak spot for fashion and everything that belongs to it. I’m a shopaholic, a crazy shoe lady and I can’t get enough of pretty designer bags. I also love to take photos and I guess I’m not too bad in writing either. So this blog, my blog, was a great opportunity to combine all these things.

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Lifestyle: My personal Staycation 101

Lifestyle: My personal Staycation 101

Sometimes jumping on a plane, train or traveling by car isn't in the cards. At the moment traveling in general isn't even possible due to the pandemic. So the only opportunity we have is to stay at home and enjoy a nice little staycation.

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Wellbeing: Something for my soul and body

Wellbeing: Something for my soul and body

Here we go again with something that strokes body and soul. Our wellbeing depends on how we treat us and we should take good care about ourselves.

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Maxirock lässig kombinieren: Stylingtipps für jede Größe

Maxirock lässig kombinieren: Stylingtipps für jede Größe

Was wäre der Sommer ohne Röcke? Genau, ziemlich langweilig und irgendwie kein richtiger Sommer! Besonders bei heißen Temperaturen sind lange Röcke schön, die unsere Beine leicht umspielen und im sanften…

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Interior: Vitrine für meine Schuh Schätze

Interior: Vitrine für meine Schuh Schätze

Ordnung muss sein! Das sagte jedenfalls immer meine Oma und sie hatte wohl Recht. Ordnung ist nicht nur gut um den Überblick zu behalten, Ordnung kann auch Spaß machen, wie…

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Designer Bags – Investment or Waste of Money?!

Designer Bags – Investment or Waste of Money?!

Designer Love Als ich mir vor einigen Jahren meine erste Louis Vuitton Tasche gekauft habe, habe ich davor lange überlegt, ob es sich wirklich lohnt so viel Geld für nur…

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