Flowers make me endlessly happy. I love the floral scent and fresh flowers can easily bring life to your space. Buying flowers immediately lifts my mood, because actually it’s a bit like a „treat yourself moment“. I also appreciate gardening, because it’s somehow very fulfilling and gives me a good feeling. It’s so great to see the first little buds on my plants when spring has sprung. I always get a bit melancholic during fall, when all leaves are falling off the trees and my garden slowly goes into hibernation. The summer months can be challenging, because a blooming garden needs some watering and that became quite time consuming. Nonetheless the result is worth all the effort – always and in every season.
Ideas for blooming spring flowers
When the time is right (temperatures above 10° celsius during the day and not below 0° in the night) I start to plant some violets in my garden. On my balcony I prefer everything a bit more colorful for easter and so I plant some daffodils, ranunculus, forget-me-nots, violets and primroses. They can easily withstand one or two colder nights and look just beautiful.
BUT always keep in mind: don’t plant anything into your garden that can’t cope with cold before the Ice Saints in May pass by. You might have to do all the work again.
I have always some fresh flowers in my house. Even before Miley Cyrus sang about it, I bought myself flowers. I actually do this every week. There is nothing better than the smell of fresh flowers. Probably the „must haves“ for spring are tulips and so there might be a fresh bouquet of tulips in my living room every week or so until easter holidays. Then I like to buy my favorite kind of flowers: peonies and lilies. They are just so beautiful and I love the scent so much.

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